Sunday, May 2, 2010

EA: FIFA 2010 World Cup South Africa

Platform: PSP
Release: 27 April 2010, by HR
Genre: Sports
Developer: EA Canada
Language: English
Size: 944MB 

Experience all the emotion and passion of the world’s fiercest national rivalries as you live the dream of competing for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. Take on the challenge of leading your home nation from qualification right through to a virtual re-creation of the final with all the pageantry, drama and excitement of the official tournament.

Spectacularly presented in true-to-life detail, EA SPORTS 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa features all 199 national teams that took part in qualification and all 10 official licensed stadia to be showcased in South Africa.

The 2010 FIFA World Cup puts the journey from qualification to the final tournament in your hands on PSP. Customize the strategy and tactics of each national team to mirror the way they play -- or the way you want them to play -- in real life. For the first time on PSP, create yourself in-game, wear the shirt of your national team and step onto the pitch in Captain Your Country. Experience the thrill of scoring the winning goal in the FIFA World Cup Final and become a national hero.



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Kesan Minuman Berais!

Kepada sesiapa yang suka minum AIS, artikel ini sesuai untuk anda baca.

Bukan sahaja amalan meminum air panas selepas makan adalah elok, tetapi berhubung SERANGAN JANTUNG!!!!.
Kita tidak akan kehilangan apa-apa... malah akan mendapat faedah dari amalan ini.

Sememangnya sedap minum air berAIS selepas makan.
Walaubagaimanapun, AIS akan membekukan makanan berminyak
yang baru kita makan. Ia akan memperlahankan penghadaman kita.
Bila lemak-lemak ini terbentuk di dalam usus, ia akan menyempitkan banyak
saluran dan lama kelamaan ia akan menyebabkan lemak berkumpul dan kita
semakin gemuk dan menuju ke arah mendapat pelbagai PENYAKIT.
Jalan terbaik...adalah untuk minum sup panas atau air PANAS/suam selepas

:Nota penting tentang SERANGAN JANTUNG!!!

Anda patut tahu bahawa bukan semua tanda-tanda serangan jantung akan mula
terasa pada tangan sebelah kiri.
Berhati-hati juga pada permulaan sakit sedikit-sedikit pada bahagian atas
dada anda.
Anda mungkin tidak akan mengalami sakit dada pada
serangan pertama serangan jantung.
Keletihan dan berpeluh adalah tanda-tanda biasa. Malah 60% penghidap
SAKIT JANTUNG tidak bangun selepas tidur.
Marilah kita berwaspada dan berhati-hati. .
Lebih banyak kita tahu, lebih cerah peluang kita untuk terus hidup... 

To anyone who like to ICE drink, this article lend itself to you read.

Not only practice of drinking water hot after eat would be desirable, but relating Heart Attack!!!!.
We would not be missing anything... in fact will be benefiting from this practice.

Certainly good icy drink water after eating.
However, AIS would be freezing oily food
new we eat. It would be slowing our digestion.
When these fats built up in intestine, it will be narrowed many
channel and in the course of time it will cause fat group and we
increasingly fat and lead towards get various DISEASE.
Best to drink hot soup or hot water / warm after

:Important note on Heart Attack!!!

You should know that not all signs of a heart attack will start
felting in left hand.
Be careful also in ill beginning a little in top
your chest.
You may never experienced chest pains in
heart attack first strike.
Fatigue and sweat is usual signs. In fact 60% sufferer
Acute myocardial infarction do not wake after sleep.
Come us care and be careful. .
Greater we know, brighter our opportunity to continue life... 


V3: Samseng Jalanan 2010

“Remp-It V3″ tells the story of Rudy (Farid Kamil) and his friend Brett (Bront Palarae) who gets involved in a big problem when him and his friends race until Shah and Liza, a pair of lovers are killed in an accident. To make matters worse, Shah had drugs in his possession that were recently taken. The gang are now wanted by the police, causing Rudy and Brett to flee to Kuala Lumpur.

Classification: 18PL
Genre: Action / Crime
General Release Date: 11 Mar 2010
Running Time: 1 Hour 23 Minutes,
Distributor: Metrowealth
Cast: Aqasha, Bront Palarae, Farid Kamil
Director: Farid Kamil



THANKS, credit to aspire teamwork.