Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Iron Man Coming Back


Coming Soon Iron Man 2 on 2010



Directed by Jon Favreau
Produced by Kevin Feige
Avi Arad
Written by Screenplay:
Justin Theroux
Robert Downey, Jr
Jon Favreau
Robert Downey, Jr.
Comic Book:
Stan Lee
Larry Lieber
Don Heck
Jack Kirby
Starring Robert Downey, Jr.
Gwyneth Paltrow
Don Cheadle
Scarlett Johansson
Sam Rockwell
Mickey Rourke
Samuel L. Jackson
Music by John Debney
Cinematography Matthew Libatique
Editing by Richard Pearson
Dan Lebental
Studio Marvel Studios
Distributed by Paramount Pictures
Release date(s) United Kingdom:
April 30, 2010
North America:
May 7, 2010
Country United States
Preceded by Iron Man
Followed by
Iron Man 3



In an interview with USA Today, director Jon Favreau revealed that the sequel is set six months after the events of Iron Man. Favreau also discussed how their version of Iron Man's comic book nemesis the Mandarin "allows us to incorporate the whole pantheon of villains". He also mentioned that S.H.I.E.L.D. will continue to have a major role.[2]
During development, Favreau said the film would explore Stark's alcoholism, but it would not be "the Demon in a Bottle version".[2] Downey said, while promoting the first film, that Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) would probably develop a drinking problem as he is unable to cope with his age, the effects of revealing he is Iron Man, as well as Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow) getting a boyfriend.[3] Before filming began, Downey revealed that while the film was not an adaptation of the Demon in a Bottle storyline from the comic book series, it was more about the "interim space" between the origin and the Demon story arc.[4]



  • Robert Downey, Jr. as Anthony "Tony" Stark / Iron Man: The head of Stark Industries, inventor and the film's eponymous superhero and protagonist.
  • Gwyneth Paltrow as Virginia "Pepper" Potts: Stark's closest friend, budding love interest, and business partner after Pepper replaced Obadiah Stane as CEO of Stark Industries.[5]
  • Don Cheadle as Lt. Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes / War Machine:[4] Cheadle is replacing Terrence Howard from the first film. Howard said, "There was no explanation, apparently the contracts that we write and sign aren't worth the paper that they're printed on, sometimes. Promises aren't kept, and good faith negotiations aren't always held up."[6] Entertainment Weekly stated Favreau did not enjoy working with Howard, often reshooting and cutting his scenes; Howard's publicist said he had a good experience playing the part, while Marvel chose not to comment. As Favreau and Theroux chose to minimize the role, Marvel came to Howard to discuss lowering his salary – Howard was the first actor hired in Iron Man and earned the largest salary of the cast. The publication stated they were unsure whether Howard's representatives left the project first or if Marvel chose to stop negotiating.[7] Theroux denied the part of the report stating "the role of War Machine was scaled back and then beefed up".[8] Cheadle only had a few hours to accept the role and did not even know what storyline Rhodes would undergo.[9] He commented he is a comic book fan, but felt there are not enough black superheroes.[10]
  • Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow: An undercover spy posing as Stark's assistant.[11] Johansson was cast after a scheduling conflict forced Emily Blunt to drop out of the part.[12]
  • Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer: Rockwell was considered for the role of Tony Stark in the first film, and he accepted the role of Hammer without reading the script.[13] He had never heard of the character before he was contacted about the part, and was unaware Hammer is an old man in the comics, whereas in the film he will be significantly closer to Stark's age.[14] He will perform as one of the film's prime antagonists, possibly the main one.
  • Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko / Whiplash:[15] This version of the character also includes elements of Crimson Dynamo from the comics. In the film, he will be the son of Russian scientist Anton Vanko, who, in the comics, is the original Crimson Dynamo and creator of said armor.[16] Downey offered Rourke the part during a roundtable discussion with David Ansen at the 2009 Golden Globes, and Rourke met with Favreau and Theroux to discuss his character's role. Rourke almost dropped out of the role due to Marvel's initial salary offer of $250,000, so the studio chose to increase the deal.[17] Rourke researched for the part by visiting Butyrka prison.[18] He suggested half of the character's dialogue be in Russian.[19] Whiplash will act as the primary antagonist of the film alongside Justin Hammer.
  • Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury: Jackson initially had financial problems with Marvel and was unsure about reprising the part of Fury, until they reached a deal that would entail his appearance in nine films as the character.[20]
  • Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan:[21] Tony Stark's bodyguard and chauffeur.
  • John Slattery as Howard Stark: Tony's father.[22]
Garry Shandling appears as Senator Stern, a senator who wants Stark to give Iron Man's armor[10][23] Paul Bettany will again voice Stark's computer, JARVIS.[24] Clark Gregg will reprise his role as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson from the first film.[25] Kate MaraBethany Cabe.[26] Olivia Munn has also landed an unspecified role in the film.[27]Stan Lee will appear as talk show host, Larry King.[28] to the government. will appear as.

Sponsored Links:

» Official Website
» Iron Man 2
» Official Video Game Website
» Iron Man 2 Wikipedia
» Iron Man 2 Release Date

The Little Thing That We Missed Out

Greetings All T-corps !
Thanks to the people who happen to be checking this blog constantly, and sorry for the lack of update. So to refresh our mind after the long break, why not take a deep slow breath. Ready? Inhale...Exhale... Feels great huh? Okay do it again...and again...and again...and again... heehee...okay okay I was kidding. But but you see, oxygen is free right? So why not grab the opportunity to enjoy it a bit.

Imagine that you have to pay for the oxygen. Absolutely there's already people died because they can't pay for it. But it's FREE! Oxygen is free. That's one nikmat that Allah gave us. Subhanallah. But we still forget that, don't we? Hands, feet, tongue, eyes etc...all are gifts from Allah. If I offer you a Mercedes but on one condition you give me your hands, would you do that? If I offer you 40 million dollars, but you must trade with you eyes, would you do that? Of course not, right? If you say yes, well I'll need to talk to you privately. Haha
awalam yatafakkaru fi anfusihim? (tidakkah mereka berfikir tentang kejadian diri mereka?)
We don't have to go far to look for miracles, just look at ourselves. Subhanallah...he created us perfectly; flawless. Allah didn't create our nose upside down, cause when it's raining, the water would enter the nostrils and we'll suffocate to death. Agree?
If you realise, we also don't have to remind ourselves to breathe every few second. It all happen naturally. Because if we constantly have to remind ourselves to breathe then there will be people who die just because he forgot to breathe.
"Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah, nescaya kamu tidak dapat menentukan jumlahnya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang." (QS. An-Nahl: 18)
The verse above sort of goes like this; you won't be able to count the gifts from Allah. Nikmat Allah is everywhere, even in the simplest thing to the most complicated thing, He never stops giving us lots and lots of nikmat. It's only up to us to be thankful to Him or not.
That's just a little tazkirah, a little reminder, especially to myself. There's actually a lot to elaborate on just the word Nikmat, so if you know more, share it with us all

Are You Healthy?

School is extended to one more week due to the swine-flu...huhu...let's partaayy! Adakah urg (org) cematu (begitu)? Kalau ada, baik tah bawa be-istighfar (lebih baik bawa beristighfar). *Since readers of this blog are not entirely bruneians, ada jua from Malaysia and Indo, so I have to translate that bruneian words kwang kwang kwang. Hey, look on the bright side, sehari sepatah kata. Heehee... before I go overboard, let's get started. Turn on the light please!
Assalamu'alaikum to Azraq Junior blog readers, no matter where you're from whether you're a teen or an adult, ahlan wasahlan (welcome). How are you duin' y'all? Do you have flu? Bowh, better go to the nearest clinic then,.must take care of our health, especially when the swine-flu is increasing now. Afterall, almukminul qowi khairun wa ahabbun ila allah minal mukminid dho'if (lurus kah jua nda...correct me please if it's wrong) tapi yang penting mafhumnya: mukmin yg kuat atu (itu) lebih baik dan disukai oleh allah daripada seorang mukmin yang lemah. Jeng jeng jeng...
Pasal atu tah tane (kita) harus jaga kesihatan, inda kan (takkan) tane kan (nak) jadi lamah kali... Kuat bukan bererti tane mesti angkat barat or mesti push-up sampai seratus kali, atu sangal. Indaa..!!.(well buleh plg mun mau hehe..but that's not the point). Point saya di sini, we have to ambil berat pasal keadaan fizikal tane jua. Misalnya, once in a while, why not go out of the house and do some exercise. Jgn tah yg brat2, apa yang termampu sja. Like, erm...maybe main bola kah for lelaki, or or main skipping kah...haha...jgn ketawa yo i know my examples are lame. huhu
Pas tu mun sakit, jgn teluan (terlalu) ambung (sombong) kan makan ubat. *Ouch!! terkena aku sekali!! huhu Then, we also must take care of our hygiene, seperti yang disarankan oleh MOH, i.e. washing our hands/ using hand sanitizer, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze/cough etc. Jgn ckp, "manada allah penah suruh tane cuci tgn, tutup mulut kalau brasin....etc, allah ciptakan tane utk beribadat jua ganya. atu wah yg rah surah zariyat ayat 56..." Hey hey, mun sakit, cana (mcm mna) th kan beribadat? Well, mmg tane inda buleh tolak qada n qadar tuhan, mun allah dah takdirkan sakit, sakit th jua. Tpinya usaha atu perlu jua tuk prevent the disease/epidemic. Mun tane dah tau, tmpat duduk atu ada coklat...jadinya, masih kah tane kan duduk atas kerusi atu? Pakai sluar putih lgi tu..aisy...i wonder if ada urg slh phm...ekeke...
Mcm out plg example di atas atu, tapi, prevention is necessary; usaha tu perlu. Cntoh, tane kan exam esok, tapi tane inda prepare langsung, instead tane liat Transformer 2 th plg the movie that people talk about right now. Hah..cube kite pikir2kan... Mesti jua usahakan, kalau kite tak berusaha, then most likely we're going to fail. Kan ada rah surah ar-ra'd ayat 11, allah mentioned that He won't change the condition of a kaum, until they change by themselves.
Saya tak pasti whether people understand the paragraphs above, mmg bnyk kecacatan dan kekurangan...huhu...
I better stop now, I know how people hate to read long posts, including me myself. Tpi utk manfaat n ilmu yg trkandung, dikuatkan jua hati mmbaca till the very end. So conclusionnya sini, jaga lah kesihatan tane, jagalah tubuh badan yg allah pinjam kan rah kita ni, jgn disia2kn saja. Jgn cari penyakit, bak kata org (tak tau org apa). Ingat balik hadis diatas tadi, allah lebih suka mukmin yg kuat drpd yg lemah. Therefore to be one of the apples of allah's eye, hendaklah kita berusaha tuk jadi seorang MUKMIN YG KUAT.
Wallahu a'lam bis sawab.

Islam Dan Hiburan

Naluri Manusia

Allah itu Maha Berkuasa sifatNya. Memang tidak dapat disangkal akal lagi akan sifatNya itu. Dalam setiap kejadian yang diaturiNya, pasti ada keindahanNya tersendiri. Setiap kejadian susunan Allah, ada nur disebaliknya. Setiap penciptaan ada haknya tersendiri. Islam ini adalah agama yang syumul. Ya, sebuah agama yang 'perfect' untuk setiap manusia.

Setiap manusia di muka bumi ini, ada naluri tersendiri. Pelbagai jenis naluri yang timbul dari dalam manusia yang nun jauh tersembunyi di lubuk hati setiap manusia. Naluri ingin memiliki rumah bagaikan istana tersergam megah di tepian pantai yang indah, Naluri ingin memiliki isteri yang cantik, tidak jemu dipandang mata dan menyejukkan hati, Naluri yang ingin memiliki harta setinggi Gunung Kinabalu agar dapat dibelanjakan di jalan Allah, Naluri ingin berpesta dan berpoya dengan iringan muzik-muzik yang mengasyikka..Ya, terlalu banyak jika hendak disenaraikan, apa yang naluri manusia inginkan.

Seperti firman Allah dalam surah Ali-Imran ayat 14;

"Dijadikan indah pada (pandangan) manusia kecintaan kepada apa-apa yang diingini, yaitu: wanita-wanita, anak-anak, harta yang banyak dari jenis emas, perak, kuda pilihan, binatang-binatang ternak dan sawah ladang. Itulah kesenangan hidup di dunia, dan di sisi Allah-lah tempat kembali yang baik (syurga)."

Dari ayat di atas, Allah yang Maha Mengetahui itu sudah tahu apa yang diingini oleh setiap manusia yang diciptaNya. Oleh itu, Allah menjadikan agama Islam itu sendiri agama yang tidak menolak naluri manusia. Agama yang bersesuaian dengan naluri manusia.

Allah menegaskan dalam firmanNya pada surah Al-A'raf ayat 32;

"Katakanlah: "Siapakah yang mengharamkan perhiasan dari Allah yang Telah dikeluarkan-Nya untuk hamba-hamba-Nya dan (siapa pulakah yang mengharamkan) rezeki yang baik?" Katakanlah: "Semuanya itu (disediakan) bagi orang-orang yang beriman dalam kehidupan dunia, khusus (untuk mereka saja) di hari kiamat." Demikianlah kami menjelaskan ayat-ayat itu bagi orang-orang yang Mengetahui."

Lihatlah, Allah menjadikan perhiasan di dunia ini yang amatlah bertepatan dengan naluri manusia. Namun, atas kebijaksanaan Allah, maka, Allah menjadikan batas-batas untuk setiap naluri manusia itu. Kenapa Allah menetapkan batas-batas berkenaan?, sedangkan Allah telahpun mengetahui akan kehendak dan naluri manusia itu sendiri? Itulah yang menunjukkan Allah itu Maha Mengetahui, jika tiada sekatan serta batasan yang terkandung dalam buku perintah Allah itu, nescaya, ramailah manusia-manusia yang menuju ke arah kerosakan.

Islam dan Seni Hiburan

Allah tidak melarang kita untuk berhibur. Selagi hiburan itu tidak mendatangkan kelalaian dalam kehidupan kita, maka, hiburan itu perlu. Tanyalah mana-mana ustaz di dalam dunia ini, Apa hukumnya berhibur? Pasti akan keluar jawapan seakan-akan begini, "Berhibur? Dalam Islam berhibur itu boleh selagi tidak melanggar syariat, tidak melalaikan dan tidak menjerumus kepada kemaksiatan" Perkembangan dunia hiburan dalam Islam berkembang luas selepas berkembangnya empayar-empayar Islam menguasai dua pertiga dari bumi ini.

Ketika zaman sebelumnya, umat Islam ketika itu kurang mengambil bahagian dalam hiburan kerana masing-masing mempersiapkan diri untuk melebarkan agama Allah dan memperluaskan empayar Islam. Apabila empayar Islam sudah merebak luas, maka, pertembungan budaya dengan empayar-empayar lain seperti empayar Parsi, Empayar India, Empayar Rome dan sebagainya terjadi. Akibat pertembungan empayar inilah, seni hiburan mula menular dalam hati nurani umat Islam ketika itu.

Seni hiburan bagaikan cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan. Ia semakin tersebar luas dengan sendirinya dari hari ke hari. Selepas seni hiburan semakin kukuh dalam naluri manusia di saat itu, bermulalah episod kesedihan yang sangat tragis dalam sejarah Islam. Empayar-empayar Islam mula roboh satu demi satu, seperti robohnya rumah yang dimakan anai-anai. Islam mula jatuh disebabkan manusia melebihkan seni hiburan itu dari syariatNya.

Tersebarnya seni hiburan itu sehingga hari ini dan tika ini. Seni yang dahulunya hanya dijadikan halwa telinga semata-mata, kini, bagaikan darah daging manusia. Umpama oksigen untuk tubuh badan manusia. Manakan tidak sebagai oksigen, kerana hiburan itu sendiri sudah menjadi sumber pencarian rezekinya.

Terlalu tinggi rasanya saya mendefinisikan seni sebagai oksigen dalam menggambarkan betapa perlunya seni hiburan itu dalam setiap tubuh-tubuh manusia masakini. Manakan tidak, ada sahaja manusia yang sanggup melafazkan ayat sebegini, "Ya Allah, mati kebosanan la aku macam ni dah la TV tak der, radio pun tak der!" Bayangkan! tanpa hiburan, dia boleh MATI KEBOSANAN!

Cubalah kita perhatikan hiburan di zaman ini. Dari hiburan yang tertutup seperti disco, pub, pusat karaoke, kelab malam dan sebagainya sehinggalah hiburan yang dianjurkan secara terbuka; Konsert Jom Heboh, pesta muda-mudi, realiti TV, seperti Akedemi Fantasia, Mentor, One in a Million dan sebagainya lagi. Begitu banyak bukan? Jika hendak dihitung, entah bila akan kesudahannya. Sehinggakan dalam perlaksanaan hiburan sebegini menelan belanja jutaan ringgit sekalipun, ianya akan tetap dijayakan!

Sampai begitu sekali bahana seni hiburan masa kini. Ya, hiburan masa kini..yang terlalu jauh membawa pergi roh-roh Islam ke dalam hati dan naluri manusia. Seni-seni hiburan ini bagaikan kanser didalam badan manusia. Dimana ia semakin merebak dan memusnahkan anggota badan yang lain sedikit demi sedikit. Bermula dengan 'hiburan ringan-ringan' seperti nasyid, kerana terlalu banyak lagu-lagu yang ber'title'kan nasyid menyampaikan mesej berbentuk kecintaan adam dan hawa, menyebabkan hati yang lemah mula berubah ke arah lagu yang mendayu-dayu. Seperti kata anak muda kini, 'lagu meleleh-leleh' atau 'lagu jiwang karat'. Kemudian, naluri semakin advance, dendangan lagu-lagu tajaan Barat mula menjadi suntingan. Nyanyian masih lagi 'jiwang karat', namun liriknya semakin ke'barat'an. Nyanyian BackStreet Boys, N'sync dan boy band lain mula menjadi siulan harian. Apabila hati sudah memuja penyanyi-penyanyi sedemikian, kekabusan kegelapan menyelubungi hati, bermulalah kekerasan hati yang membawa kearah lagu-lagu bersifat keras! Punk, Skin Head, Black Metal dan lain-lain mula bertakhta dihati manusia. Maka terjadilah ritual-ritual yang menyesatkan akidah! Astaghfirullah!!. Atas dasar seni hiburan sebeginilah, maka produktiviti manusia semakin merosot dan menjunam ke bawah.

Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang pelajar tidur lambat untuk mengundi peserta kegemarannya dalam rancangan Mentor, seterusnya menyebabkan dia kurang fokus di sekolah kerana mengantuk. Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang pekerja lewat ke tempat kerja, kerana bangun lambat selepas semalaman melihat konsert Jom Heboh. Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang mahasiswa 'terpaksa' ponteng kelas untuk beratur panjang demi memperolehi tiket bola perlawanan Malaysia menentang Manchester United. Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang isteri 'terlupa' masak untuk suaminya yang baru pulang dari kerja kerana kesedihan melampau melihat Diari Akademi Fantasia. Kerana hiburan sebeginilah, seorang anak mengingkari arahan ayahnya dan melewat-lewatkan solat Maghrib kerana menonton rancangan Sin Chan dan dituruti rancangan Doraemon di kaca TV. Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang remaja perempuan hilang sifat malunya kerana bersesak-sesak dalam gerombolan manusia ketika menonton konsert Jason Mraz suatu ketika dahulu. Kerana hiburan inilah, sepasang remaja hilang pertimbangan agamanya ketika menonton tayangan wayang 'Drag Me To Hell' atau 'Angels and Demons' dalam kegelapan sehinggakan mereka 'membuat wayang' mereka sendiri kerana kebosanan jalan ceritanya. Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang pelajar telah mengkianati amanah seluruh umat Islam apabila dengan duit zakat yang diperuntukkan untuknya menuntut ilmu, telah dibelanjakannya untuk membeli CD terbaru 'Laskar Pelangi'. Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang pemimpin membelanjakan harta anak-anak yatim, harta ibu-ibu tunggal, harta para musafir di jalan Allah dan harta-harta orang fakir dengan menaja Formula 1, mendirikan Litar Perlumbaan Sepang bertaraf dunia dan menubuhkan Malaysian Philharmonic Ochestra. Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang remaja lelaki bertubuh sasa leka menyanyikan lagu 'Jai Ho' dari iPodnya sambil duduk di seat dalam komuter sehingga 'tidak nampak' seorang ibu yang sarat mengandung sedang berdiri dihadapannya kerana tidak memperolehi tempat duduk. Kerana hiburan inilah, sekumpulan manusia 'terlepas' solat Maghrib kerana tayangan Tansformer 2: Revenge of The Fallen bermula pada pukul 1910 dan memperolehi tempat duduk nun jauh dibelakang. Kerana hiburan inilah, seorang lelaki sanggup meninggalkan solat berjemaah di masjid atau surau kerana ingin menonton tayangan Nur Kasih dan Ceplos di TV.

Tangani Masalah Seni Hiburan

Cuba kita lihat, betapa banyaknya keburukan dalam seni hiburan ini. Justeru, hendaklah kita bersama-sama mengembleng tenaga untuk merubah gejala negatif agar menjadi positif. Jadikan hari ini lebih baik dari semalam! Esok, insyAllah lebih baik dari hari ini.

Terdapat banyak cara untuk kita semua berusaha menangani masalah seni hiburan ini. Antaranya adalah:

i) Solat hiburan UTAMA

Seperti sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW kepada Bilal, "Tenangkan dirimu ketika solat ya Bilal". Cuba kita lihat, Rasulullah SAW berpesan kepada Bilal, jika mahukan ketenangan, jadikan solat itu sebagai caranya. Bukan dengan mendengar lagu-lagu yang mengasyikkan atau melancong ke tempat-tempat peranginan yang mendamaikan.

ii) Majlis hiburan yang tidak melalaikan

Dalam bab ini, ada sedikit pujian dari saya buat kerajaan Selangor sekarang. Kenapa? Dahulu, kawan saya ada pergi 'satu majlis' anjuran kerajaan Selangor di Stadium Melawati. Berdasarkan ceritanya, program hiburan itu menarik kerana susunan majlisnya. Bermula dengan solat Maghrib berjemaah, diikuti dengan solat Hajat dan sedikit tazkirah. Kemudian Solat Isyak berjemaah. Selepas selesai, MB Selangor memberikan
sedikit ucapan dan konsert nasyid berlangsung selepas itu. Yang menarik perhatian saya, sekurang-kurangnya, konsert itu tidak menyebabkan pengunjung melewat-lewatkan atau 'terlepas' untuk bersolat.

iii) Tiada percampuran lelaki dan perempuan

Kalau yang ini pula, saya memuji pucuk pimpinan Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Menteri Besar Kelantan. Tanpa perlu saya bercerita panjang, rasanya sudah ramai yang mengetahui akan konsert-konsert yang diadakan di Kelantan. Bagaimana pentadbir-pentadbir Kelantan memisahkan pengunjung lelaki dan perempuan agar tiada pergaulan bebas ketika konsert berlangsung.

iv) Tanam kesedaran Islam dalam Artis

Kalau artis-artis ini mula memahami Islam, Tiada sudah penyanyi-penyanyi wanita selepas ini. Bukankah Islam melarang wanita melunak-lunakkan suara untuk yang bukan 'selayaknya'. Jika artis-artis mula mengenali Islam, sudah pasti tiada lagi lakonan-lakonan 'bermutu' artis-artis Malaysia ketika berlakon. Kalau itu yang Islam mahukan, kenapa perlu dipersoalkan lagi? Adakah kerana kita mahukan seni hiburan itu, maka maksiat tidak dapat dipisahkan lagi? Banyak lagi seni hiburan yang terhidang diluar sana yang halal, terpulang pada kita untuk memilihnya atau menolaknya. Ada sahaja drama-drama berunsurkan islamik dari dahulu lagi.

**Nota - Pada hari Jumaat lepas, aman sedikit terkilan dengan rancangan TV3, Nur Kasih. Apabila dalam dialog artisnya itu, terdapat ayat sebegini. Seorang artis berlakon sebagai minah saleh menegur kawan perempuannya ketika hendak membuat keputusan berkahwin. "why you choose him, you are not Malay or ISLAM, so whay you want to marry him?" selepas itu dibalas oleh pelakon wanita itu dengan jawapan selambanya, "So what if i'm not Malay or Islam, but I love him ok?" Astaghfirullah.**

v) Pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan pentadbiran

Dalam hal ini, kerajaan patutlah menghadkan lesen-lesen pembukaan disko dan pusat hiburan serta memantau operasi sebegini secara berterusan agar kemaksiatannya boleh dicegah. Bajet untuk sektor hiburan hendaklah dikurangkan agar dapat digunakan pada saluran yang lebih memerlukan. Realiti-realiti televisyen dalam mencari bakat-bakat baru hiburan perlulah dikurangkan sebaliknya diganti dengan realiti TV yang mencari bakat-bakat baru dalam bidang yang dapat memberi kebaikan kepada manusia, negara dan Islam itu sendiri seperti bakat dalam mencipta sesuatu yang baru.

vi) Sistem pendidikan yang berkesan

Bagi saya, inilah sumber tunjang dalam merubah sesuatu. Sistem pendidikan yang berkesan bagaikan jantung kepada tubuh badan kita. Jika jantung itu berfungsi dengan baik dan tiada cacat celanya, bekalan darah dapat dihantar ke setiap anggota badan yang lain. Bekalan oksigen dalam darah, dapat dipam dan dihantar dengan tertib kepada otak kita. Jika pendidikan dijalankan dengan betul dan mengikut syariat pada landasannya, nescaya insyAllah, semua masalah yang ada sekarang, pasti dapat dihindari dan ditangani. Lagipun, jika kita hendak membentuk sesuatu ketamadunan seseorang, mestilah bermula ketika mereka masih kecil lagi. "Meluntur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya" InsyAllah, jika kita semua memperbetulkan seni hiburan ini, nescaya tidak mustahil jika suatu hari nanti, seni hiburan dapat merubah wajahnya dari melalaikan dan membinasakan kepada suatu kebudayaan yang menjadi jati diri kita disamping menjadikan kita semakin mengingati Allah dan RasulNya.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monsoon Cup 2009 Coming Soon!

Hello fellows,

Terengganu Government Lead The Monsoon Cup 2009!

Come see Monsoon Cup 2009 on Pulau Duyong, Terengganu
Monsoon Cup Malaysia is the final leg of the World Match Racing Tour (WMRT). Featuring America’s Cup teams, skippers and world’s top sailors in the ultimate "race of truth".

Come populates at Pulau Duyong to see competition Monsoon Cup 2009 co-organised Terengganu state government! 


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Monday, November 9, 2009


Malaysia News with Terengganu Network


KUALA LUMPUR Nov 8. - Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com­mission (MACC) have established a special team to monitor and overcome deviation activity Member of Parliament and State Legislative Assemblyman allocation (BLEND) of continue to happen.

MACC headquarter within one statement here today told, special team conducted by Examination Section and the Perundingan will conduct comprehensive study relating rule, system, inside procedure and internal control ADUN allocation 's expenditure and Member of Parliament.

''The study made to close opportunity occurence of bribery crime,'' according to the statement.

The statement say, that action is parallel to provisions of the law under Section 7(c) MACC Act.

Meanwhile, MACC had also ordered Unit Pendidikan Masyarakat SPRM state to have session special briefing to all representative in each state to explain all bribery crime offence, misuse of power and deviation warning by law.

''The briefing aiming to increase understanding and awareness of all involved party so that they shied away from doing related offences,'' increase the statement.

In last November 3, Sabak Bernam Member of Parliament, Abd. Rahman Bakri and ADUN container Selangor Teratai area, Yap Soo Sun and assistant respectively has been brought before at two Shah Alam Sessions Court on counts of corruption involving eight and seven false claim for programmes that does not conducted in last year.

Next Hot News!

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New LOOK and New LINK!!

With cooperation of other parties, we won produce one change exceptional!
In latest website's style  being participated with widget new ,post detail, and many more.Our website also turned into

Let's enjoys new issue with us!

Hope know.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Semua!

Selamat menyambut Hari Lebaran yang bakal menjelang. Sempena Hari Raya Aidil Fitri ini ingin saya sekeluarga mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya aidil fitri… selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin…..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game!

The new generation of James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game.
Coming to your life, be the first who play this game!

Info :

Coming Soon this game!
Date : N/A

James Cameron's Avatar: The Game has been shrouded under a dense layer of secrecy second only to the one that surrounds the movie it's based on. For those who haven't been following the film, Avatar follows the conflict between the denizens of a planet called Pandora, the Na'vi, and humankind, who are essentially strip-mining their world to disastrous results. The games based on the film have basically complementary stories that offer a close-up look at the conflict. But, outside of a demo of the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions at the Electronic Entertainment Expo last month and the painfully thin assortment of screenshots released, things have been pretty quiet around the games. Thankfully some noise was kicked up at Comic-Con, which saw the Wii version demoed at a press event. Our hands-off demo followed the game's main character as he sabotaged a military installation, took on an airship, called a dragon, and made a daring escape. Although the demo of the game (which is an original title and not a port of the other console and PC titles) was short, roughly 7 minutes, it hit on a fair number of the major gameplay elements.
Who's Making This Game: Ubisoft
What The Game Looks Like: Avatar has a somewhat boxy but colorful look to it that's a far cry from the eye-bleeding detail of the PS3 and Xbox 360 game we saw at E3. However, once you factor in that there's no way the Wii is going to move the same number of polygons that the other consoles are or offer stereoscopic 3D, the game looks pretty sharp. There's a good amount of detail and, more importantly, a heavy cinematic feel to the presentation. The camera smartly follows the action and favors sweeping views and dramatic camera angles.
What There Is To Do: You'll play as a young Na'vi hunter looking for revenge after his family tree gets a thorough pruning by human military forces during an attack on his village. As if that weren't enough motivation, a dam has been built that's depriving locals of much-needed water. Your goal is to destroy the dam and get in some payback. While the revenge the young hunter is after can be accomplished solo, the game will feature drop-in, drop-out cooperative play.
How The Game Is Played: The Wii version of Avatar the game makes use of both the nunchuk and remote to play. In addition, the game features unique support for the Wii MotionPlus accessory. The game is a third-person action title that mixes combat, stealth, some platforming, and some puzzle solving. The nunchuk and remote let you race through the natural setting like a pro. The Wii MotionPlus support in the version of the game we saw let the young hunter summon a wasp the he could precisely control thanks to the peripheral. The fine control was needed to guide the winged critter to take down an electric fence blocking the hunter's way. People who don't have the peripheral will be able to take an alternate route around the fence. At the same time the game still has some waggle control for stealth takedowns, which you initiate with a button press and finish up with a controller motion.
Melee is fairly straightforward, although you'll want to be smart about when you engage mobs of soldiers. Puzzle solving and getting around require you to use your head and, most importantly, the natural world around you. As a both a local and a hunter, your Na'vi has all sorts of natural tricks up his sleeves (metaphorically speaking, since he's light on clothes) to counter the military's technical opposition. Although, as evidenced in the boss fight where he used explosive canisters lying around, he's not opposed to improvising with what's lying around to get the job done. For example, if there are explosive canisters he can use to take down a massive tower that will knock the dragon airship out of the sky, why not use them? The demo ended with the hunter making a hasty retreat on a brightly colored flying creature that was somewhere between a bat and a pterodactyl.

Gameplay and Screenshot :

Interview Game :



Sponsor Site Of This Blog Post™ :

James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Game Software excluding Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation elements: © 2009 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. James Cameron's Avatar: The Game, James Cameron's Avatar and the Twentieth Century Fox logo are trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Licensed to Ubisoft Entertainment by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Ubisoft,, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. The Lightstorm Entertainment logo is a trademark of Lightstorm Entertainment, Inc. "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Wii and Nintendo DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2006 Nintendo. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. Software platform logo (TM and ©) EMA 2006.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Salam Maulidurasul 1430

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..saya terjumpa satu artikel mengenai Maulidurasul.. kalau tak silap ni khutbah Jumaat.. So saya edit sedikit... kalu panjang-panjang pun bukannya baca sangat..

Semoga dapat sedikit peringatan dan pengajaran..InsyaAllah...

12 Rabiulawwal, kita menyambut hari bersejarah memperingati lahirnya junjungan besar kita Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan mempercayai bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w adalah utusan Allah s.w.t. yang diutuskan untuk membawa kerahmatan kepada seluruh umat di dunia sehingga akhir zaman.

Mengapa Rasulullah s.a.w dipilh oleh Allah s.w.t.? dan bagaimana baginda berjaya di dalam misi ini?.
Salah satu kunci kejayaan Rasulullah s.a.w dalam menyampaikan risalah dakwah ialah dengan memiliki ketinggian akhlak dan mengamalkan dalam kehidupan Baginda seperti hubungan dengan keluarga, jiran tetangga, sahabat handai, bahkan dengan kaum kafir juga Baginda sering menunjukkan akhlak mulia ini.

Ummul Mu’minin Saidatina Aisyah r.a. pernah ditanya, mengenai akhlak Baginda s.a.w, maka Saidatina Aisyah menjawab dengan katanya yang bermaksud:
"akhlak Baginda adalah Al-Quran"

Bersempena dengan sambutan memperingati kelahiran junjungan besar Baginda s.a.w, eloklah kita menanam keazaman untuk mencontohi akhlak dan sirah perjalanan hidup Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w . Di antara akhlak Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w yang perlu dicontohi:
  1. Baginda sentiasa memberi salam kepada sesiapa yang ditemui.
  2. Baginda sangat menghormati orang-orang tua, mengasihani orang-orang muda dan kanak-kanak.
  3. Baginda bercakap dengan lemah lembut dan sentiasa menumpukan perhatian kepada orang yang bercakap dengannya.
  4. Baginda tidak pernah menghina orang miskin dan tidak merasa terhina bergaul dengan Mereka.
  5. Baginda sentiasa membantu orang lain, walaupun Baginda sendiri dalam kesusahan.
  6. Baginda sangat berlemah lembut dengan isteri, anak-anak dan ahli keluarganya.
  7. Baginda tersangat sabar dan tabah apabila mengahadapi setiap cabaran dan kesusahan.
Oleh itu, dikesempatan ini marilah sama-sama kita mencontohi akhlak Rasulullah s.a.w dan mengamalkannya, kita juga dituntut melakukan muhasabah diri dan mengambil iktibar untuk dihayati.


Need for Speed : Shift

Cooming Soon On October In Malaysia!

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date:
September 30, 2009
Release Region:
United States

Electronic Arts
Release Date:
October 1, 2009
Release Region:
Rest Of World


About This Game :

Shift into high gear! Designed to deliver a true driver's experience that reflects contemporary motorsports, Need for Speed Shift is built by racers for racers. Need for Speed Shift delivers an authentic and immersive driving experience, replicating the true feeling of racing high-end performance cars like never before. Players are thrust into the heart of the action with immersive and exciting features including a stunningly realistic first-person cockpit view camera and an all-new crash mechanic, providing an unrivaled sensation of the speed and feeling of racing a car on the extreme edge of control.

Available On: PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PSP

System For PC :

Minimum Configuration:

Operating System: Windows® XP (with SP2) or Windows Vista® (with SP1)
Processor: Intel® Core® 2 Duo E4400 2.0 GHz, 3.0 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core or better
RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP and 2 GB for Windows Vista and configurations with shared memory video cards
Video card: Nvidia™ 7800GS or ATI™ 1800XT or better DirectX® 9.0c–compliant
256 MB video card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher
(See Supported List 1.0.3 for more information)
DVD-ROM: Dual-layer DVD-ROM drive
Hard Drive Space: 10 GB free hard disk space
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers
Internet: Broadband connection with 256 kbps upstream or faster and service required for multiplayer mode
Peripherals Supported: Windows-compatible mouse and keyboard required

Highly Recommended Configuration:

Operating System: Windows® XP (with SP2) or Windows Vista® (with SP1)
Processor: Intel® Core® 2 Duo E6600 2.4 Ghz, Intel® Core® 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz, or 2.6 GHz AMD Quad-Core Phenom™ X4 9850 or better
Video card: Nvidia™ Nvidia 8800GTS, ATI™ 2900 Pro, or better DirectX® 9.0c–compliant
512 MB video card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher
(See Supported List 1.0.3 for more information)
DVD-ROM: Dual-layer DVD-ROM drive
Hard Drive Space: 10 GB free hard disk space
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers
Internet: Broadband connection with 256 kbps upstream or faster and service required for multiplayer mode

Peripherals Supported: Windows-compatible mouse and keyboard required, Windows-compatible headset for voice command

Supported Video Cards:
NVIDIA GeForce™ 7 Series - GeForce 7800GT, 7800GTX, 7950GT, 7950GX2
NVIDIA GeForce™ 8 Series - GeForce 8600GTS, 8800GT, 8800 GTS, 8800GTX, 8800Ultra
NVIDIA GeForce™ 9 Series - GeForce 9500GT, 9600GT, 9800GTX, 9800GX2
NVIDIA GeForce™ 200 Series - GeForce GTX260, GeForce GTX280

ATI® RADEON® X1000 series - X1800XT, X1950GT
ATI® RADEON® HD 2000 Series - HD2600XT, HD2900XT
ATI® RADEON® HD 3000 Series - HD3650, HD3850, HD3870, HD3870X2
ATI® RADEON® HD 4000 Series - HD4850, HD4870

Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game.
NVIDIA nForce or other motherboards/soundcards containing the Dolby Digital Interactive Content Encoder required for Dolby Digital audio.

Supported Sound Devices:

Asus Xonar D2 7.1
Creative Audigy SE 7.1
Creative Audigy 7.1
Creative Audigy 2
Creative X-Fi XMod USB
Creative X-Fi Extreme Audio 7.1
Creative X-FI Xtreme Platnium
Creative X-Fi Mx Xtreme Gamer 7.1
Genius Sound Maker Value 5.1
Hercules Fortissimo III 7.1
Hercules Fortissimo II 5.1
Hercules Muse XL 5.1
Hercules Muse XL 4.1
Realtek HD Audio
Realtek AC97
SoundMax HD
ST LAB C-Media 5.1
ST LAB C-Media 7.1
Turtle Beach Riviera

~GooD Luck~

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Upcoming Red Alert 3!

Info :

Tarikh Keluaran :
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
  • Developer: EA Los Angeles
  • Release Date: March, 2009
  • Category: Real-time Strategy (RTS)

Conquer four all-new campaigns as the Red Alert™ 3 saga continues! Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3: Uprising gives you more of the single-player action that you’ve been hungry for - more stories, action campaigns, units, and live-action movies with new Hollywood stars, in the latest from the over-the-top, bestselling, and most-beloved series of the Command & Conquer™ franchise.
What happened in the aftermath of Red Alert™ 3? Find out in FOUR all-new campaigns in Red Alert™ 3: Uprising. With the Allies triumphant at the end of Red Alert™ 3, the occupation of their former enemies territories has begun. But how will the defeated Soviets react to this occupation and the presence of FutureTech, the mysterious company contracted by the Allies to develop new technologies in the Soviets homeland? How will the humiliated Empire of the Rising Sun rise up and defend itself against the former Soviet commanders who have invaded their territory in a post-war land grab? How will the Allied occupational forces quash the uprising of the former Imperial commanders? And who is the mysterious Yuriko Omega? What events led her to become the telekinetic, psychic school girl? Find out in Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3: Uprising, available exclusively online via Digital Download this March!*
*Does not require Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3 to play

Key Features

  • Four new campaigns - Battle your way through all-new campaigns featuring classic fast, furious, and fun C&C action. New stories and missions feature all three factions, plus experience a new twist with the first-ever C&C dungeon-crawler campaign!
  • Eleven deadly new over-the-top units - Conquer the world and crush your enemies with 11 new units from the Soviets, Allies, and Empire of the Rising Sun, such as the Cryo Legionaire, the Steel Ronin, and the Desolator!
  • The biggest cast ever in a C&C expansion - Command & Conquer™'s trademark live-action videos return with new Hollywood stars in 30 more minutes of high-definition video. The most star-studded cast in videogame history just got even bigger!
  • Challenge the Commanders, conquer the world - Fight for world domination in the all-new Commander’s Challenge mode! Do you have what it takes to withstand the brutal onslaught and relentless taunting of the world’s toughest commanders? Find out as you attempt to conquer the world in 50 challenges featuring up to 30 hours of additional gameplay!

Game Trailer: