Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Are You Healthy?

School is extended to one more week due to the swine-flu...huhu...let's partaayy! Adakah urg (org) cematu (begitu)? Kalau ada, baik tah bawa be-istighfar (lebih baik bawa beristighfar). *Since readers of this blog are not entirely bruneians, ada jua from Malaysia and Indo, so I have to translate that bruneian words kwang kwang kwang. Hey, look on the bright side, sehari sepatah kata. Heehee... before I go overboard, let's get started. Turn on the light please!
Assalamu'alaikum to Azraq Junior blog readers, no matter where you're from whether you're a teen or an adult, ahlan wasahlan (welcome). How are you duin' y'all? Do you have flu? Bowh, better go to the nearest clinic then,.must take care of our health, especially when the swine-flu is increasing now. Afterall, almukminul qowi khairun wa ahabbun ila allah minal mukminid dho'if (lurus kah jua nda...correct me please if it's wrong) tapi yang penting mafhumnya: mukmin yg kuat atu (itu) lebih baik dan disukai oleh allah daripada seorang mukmin yang lemah. Jeng jeng jeng...
Pasal atu tah tane (kita) harus jaga kesihatan, inda kan (takkan) tane kan (nak) jadi lamah kali... Kuat bukan bererti tane mesti angkat barat or mesti push-up sampai seratus kali, atu sangal. Indaa..!!.(well buleh plg mun mau hehe..but that's not the point). Point saya di sini, we have to ambil berat pasal keadaan fizikal tane jua. Misalnya, once in a while, why not go out of the house and do some exercise. Jgn tah yg brat2, apa yang termampu sja. Like, erm...maybe main bola kah for lelaki, or or main skipping kah...haha...jgn ketawa yo i know my examples are lame. huhu
Pas tu mun sakit, jgn teluan (terlalu) ambung (sombong) kan makan ubat. *Ouch!! terkena aku sekali!! huhu Then, we also must take care of our hygiene, seperti yang disarankan oleh MOH, i.e. washing our hands/ using hand sanitizer, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze/cough etc. Jgn ckp, "manada allah penah suruh tane cuci tgn, tutup mulut kalau brasin....etc, allah ciptakan tane utk beribadat jua ganya. atu wah yg rah surah zariyat ayat 56..." Hey hey, mun sakit, cana (mcm mna) th kan beribadat? Well, mmg tane inda buleh tolak qada n qadar tuhan, mun allah dah takdirkan sakit, sakit th jua. Tpinya usaha atu perlu jua tuk prevent the disease/epidemic. Mun tane dah tau, tmpat duduk atu ada coklat...jadinya, masih kah tane kan duduk atas kerusi atu? Pakai sluar putih lgi tu..aisy...i wonder if ada urg slh phm...ekeke...
Mcm out plg example di atas atu, tapi, prevention is necessary; usaha tu perlu. Cntoh, tane kan exam esok, tapi tane inda prepare langsung, instead tane liat Transformer 2 th plg the movie that people talk about right now. Hah..cube kite pikir2kan... Mesti jua usahakan, kalau kite tak berusaha, then most likely we're going to fail. Kan ada rah surah ar-ra'd ayat 11, allah mentioned that He won't change the condition of a kaum, until they change by themselves.
Saya tak pasti whether people understand the paragraphs above, mmg bnyk kecacatan dan kekurangan...huhu...
I better stop now, I know how people hate to read long posts, including me myself. Tpi utk manfaat n ilmu yg trkandung, dikuatkan jua hati mmbaca till the very end. So conclusionnya sini, jaga lah kesihatan tane, jagalah tubuh badan yg allah pinjam kan rah kita ni, jgn disia2kn saja. Jgn cari penyakit, bak kata org (tak tau org apa). Ingat balik hadis diatas tadi, allah lebih suka mukmin yg kuat drpd yg lemah. Therefore to be one of the apples of allah's eye, hendaklah kita berusaha tuk jadi seorang MUKMIN YG KUAT.
Wallahu a'lam bis sawab.

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