Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Little Thing That We Missed Out

Greetings All T-corps !
Thanks to the people who happen to be checking this blog constantly, and sorry for the lack of update. So to refresh our mind after the long break, why not take a deep slow breath. Ready? Inhale...Exhale... Feels great huh? Okay do it again...and again...and again...and again... heehee...okay okay I was kidding. But but you see, oxygen is free right? So why not grab the opportunity to enjoy it a bit.

Imagine that you have to pay for the oxygen. Absolutely there's already people died because they can't pay for it. But it's FREE! Oxygen is free. That's one nikmat that Allah gave us. Subhanallah. But we still forget that, don't we? Hands, feet, tongue, eyes etc...all are gifts from Allah. If I offer you a Mercedes but on one condition you give me your hands, would you do that? If I offer you 40 million dollars, but you must trade with you eyes, would you do that? Of course not, right? If you say yes, well I'll need to talk to you privately. Haha
awalam yatafakkaru fi anfusihim? (tidakkah mereka berfikir tentang kejadian diri mereka?)
We don't have to go far to look for miracles, just look at ourselves. Subhanallah...he created us perfectly; flawless. Allah didn't create our nose upside down, cause when it's raining, the water would enter the nostrils and we'll suffocate to death. Agree?
If you realise, we also don't have to remind ourselves to breathe every few second. It all happen naturally. Because if we constantly have to remind ourselves to breathe then there will be people who die just because he forgot to breathe.
"Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah, nescaya kamu tidak dapat menentukan jumlahnya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang." (QS. An-Nahl: 18)
The verse above sort of goes like this; you won't be able to count the gifts from Allah. Nikmat Allah is everywhere, even in the simplest thing to the most complicated thing, He never stops giving us lots and lots of nikmat. It's only up to us to be thankful to Him or not.
That's just a little tazkirah, a little reminder, especially to myself. There's actually a lot to elaborate on just the word Nikmat, so if you know more, share it with us all

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